Hobby Turn into Lifelong Lessons: What Photography Has Taught Me?

Many people love taking photos during travel, casually, daily or during meal. Some love landscape, portrait photography (or selfie) and many more. For me, taking photography while travelling is a form of enjoyment and passion. I have been using a DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) since 2013 which I started off with a beginner DSLR to a mid-level DSLR.

The reason of taking up a DSLR compared to a mirrorless camera is the quality of picture produced by DSLR at that time and the features. Now mirrorless camera has advanced and catching up to DSLR's quality. Nevertheless, I still enjoy bringing my DSLR as one of my essentials during travelling.

Bringing a DSLR during travelling is not easy as it is heavier and tougher to handle (if you want to use Auto, don’t get a DSLR). Out of a casual interest, I took a leap of faith to purchase a DLSR instead of a mirrorless camera (I am not even sure will I be a serious photographer and how long this hobby will last). Till today, I love taking photography and always learn how to improve my skills over the years and enjoy travelling with a group of mid to professional photographers.

Out of a just a hobby, photography has taught me many aspects over the years. These lessons are lifelong lessons that I need in my daily life whether for personal or work.


Slowing Down My Pace and Be More Patient

In life be it work or personal matters, many of us tend to rush things as we want to complete our tasks as fast and as much as possible. As we aged, we have more things to enjoy, to do, to complete (compulsory), we move fast to be efficient and effective as though we do not have much time in a day.

Taking up photography give me the opportunity to learn to slow down as we will want to take the "Perfect Shot". With many features available, I tend to try many features for the same scene (try and error as much as possible).

I have also learned to be more patient. Taking the best shot I desire; I need to slow down and be patient to wait for the perfect opportunity to shot the scene/scenario I want.


Looking Back and Taking a Step Back is Not a Weakness but Give a Bigger Picture and Reflect

We always rush in our life but be honest, how many of us will look back and reflect on of our action whether daily or weekly?

Photography taught me another important aspect in life, always look back and also take step back (when needed). Some of the "looking back" scene is just as beautiful as the "front". Taking a step back also give us a bigger perspective of the picture that we want to take (taking a step back does mean we lose but look at the bigger picture).


Not Just a Click but Look Different Angles

Taking photo is not just as easy as a click. We have to find the “right” angle. What is right depend on the eyes of photographer. We need to decide what we want to each frame. Not just a simple click.

Every click is a decision. For more creative photography, I learned to take photo in different angles – the photographer need move their camera or even photographer need to move up or down, go to the right or left for the shot they want instead of standing at one position to take a photo.


Be More Observant but Act Fast to Seize Opportunity

In my early years of learning photography, I learnt that I need to be more observant when taking a nice photo. Not only observation skill is need but also, we need to act fast to seize the opportunity. Opportunity don’t sit in front of you but how to seize it when the right moment is in front of the door?

Do I want 'this', 'this', or 'that' in my photo? I learnt to see my photo properly (observe more) to get my desire photo (if we don't, we be too late to realize the photo is being photo bomb). 

It is good to learn to see new and different perspectives during taking photo. Processing my photos after end of my travel taught me to see things in different perspective - why don't I take this photo like 'this', why don't I look backward, why don't I try to take in different angles.

This gives me the strength and lesson to be more observant and more experimental in the future with fast action with the right perspective.


Falling in Love Again and Again

Looking back at the photos, I keep falling in love again and again with the same place I have been. The photos remind me of the beauty of each places I went. Each place is unique and beautiful. With photography, I am able to preserve my memories of the places I went and most importantly remember each culture and lifestyle that is alive in the photos of the countries I went.

Some countries are civilized and have high technologies to use in their daily life. The citizens live a good life with different needs (technology toys) compared to poorer countries. While some countries whereby their citizens don’t have access to basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter in their countries and some don't even have the freedom.


Nevertheless, I keep falling in love again and again with photography for giving me the opportunity to look back at my encounters, feeling fortunate that I have the freedom to continue travelling and keep learning more aspects in life with my photography and enjoying my life!


The Journey to the Roof of the World (Tibet, China)